Class Interest Survey:
Page 1 - General

About You

Instructions: Please provide some general information about you. This information will NOT be linked to a name or email address, so is completely anonymous.

What is Your Gender?


What is your Sexual Preference?


Relationship Status


What is your age? (enter 0 for No Answer)

City of Residence

State of Residence

Postal Zip Code (5-Digit)

Your Interests

Instructions: Please indicate your level of interest in taking Classes in the following topics using a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 being Very Interested, 3 being Possibly Interested/Unsure and 1 being No Interest at all.

Traditional Tantra Yoga


Western Tantra Sacred Sexuality


Reiki Training


General Massage Classes (non-erotic)


Please do not go backwards to change your answers. Once each page is submitted, it cannot be resubmitted.
“Tantra is the call to awaken from sleep and
see that life is love and love is God.”
Ma Ananda Sarita & Swami Anand Geho, Tantric Love